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Build your own user interface

Should you desire a more integrated user experience, you have the option to allow users to map their accounts directly within your own application.

This can be achieved by utilizing the account mapping endpoints. These endpoints also drive the functionality of the white-labeled user interface.

However, be sure to meet all partner requirements to maintain compliance.

Supported integrations

Using the mapping API

To utilize the mapping UI, direct your company's users to the linkUrl provided in the dataConnection response. After they've authorized their accounting software, they'll be redirected to your application based on any pre-configured redirect parameters.

You can use the get-bank-account-mapping endpoint to retrieve a list of valid target accounts to map the companies source account to, these options are also filtered based on the currency and the type of the source account.

Mapping options request url:
GET /companies/:companyId/connections/:connectionId/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

To save a mapping, you can use the create-bank-account-mapping endpoint,

Mapping multiple accounts

You can only save the mapping for one account at a time - where a user needs to map multiple accounts you should save the mappings in separate requests.

Mapping to a new account

if your user intends to establish a new target account for reconciling bank transactions, this can be easily achieved by omitting the targetAccountId parameter while saving the mapping.

create-bank-account-mapping request url
POST /companies/:companyId/connections/:connectionId/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

Mapping to an existing account

Should your user opt to map to an existing target account, this can be conveniently done by populating the targetAccountId parameter when saving the mapping.

create-bank-account-mapping request url
POST /companies/:companyId/connections/:connectionId/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

Checking the status

In certain instances, saving the mapping to the underlying accounting system may not be instantaneous. If the status in the request remains unlinked, you can repeatedly query the list-bank-account-mapping until the status updates, at which point you can proceed to push the bank transactions.

Mapping options request url:
GET /companies/:companyId/connections/:connectionId/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

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