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Enhanced Profit and Loss

Reference document for the endpoint that produce a fully categorized profit and loss statement

New version of enhanced financials

Functionality described here has been superseded by a newer version of enhanced financials using revised accounting categories. Explore the new Enhanced Financials.

The Enhanced Profit and Loss endpoint provides a fully categorized profit and loss statement over a specified period(s) of time, for a specific company’s accounting connection.

Refer to the Assess reporting structure page for more detail on reports in Assess.

For Enhanced Profit and Loss, these are the dimensions and measures:


  • Period
  • Category
  • Sub Type
  • Detail Type
  • Accounts


  • Value
  • Percentage change

Report Data

  • Is structured based on dimension (index =“0”). i.e. Period

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

GET /data/companies{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/enhancedProfitandLoss


reportDatestring, See DateYYYY-MM-DD, Datetime or Date (inclusive of whole day).Required
periodlengthintegerThe number of months per period. It must be positive, not zero and an integer.Required
numberOfPeriodsintegerThe number of periods to return. It must be positive, not zero and an integer.Required
includeDisplayNamesbooleanShows the dimensionDisplayName and itemDisplayName in measures to make the report data human-readable. Default is false.Optional

Data model

The response structure is split into four areas: Report info, Dimensions, Measures and Report data.

Report info

reportDatestring, See DateYYYY-MM-DD, Datetime or, Date (inclusive of whole day).Required
periodlengthintegerThe number of months per period. It must be positive, not zero and an integer.Required
numberOfPeriodsintegerThe number of periods to return. It must be positive, not zero and an integer.Required
includeDisplayNamesbooleanShows the dimensionDisplayName and itemDisplayName in measures to make the report data human-readable. Default is false.Optional


The Enhanced Profit and Loss consists of these dimensions: Period, Category, Sub Type, Detail Type, Accounts.

Dimension (index = “0”): Period

itemsarray, See Dimension (index = "0") itemsReturns an array of "Period". This is driven by the query parameter values. Ordered by latest to earliest periods.

Dimension (index = “0”) items

displayNamestring"Period n"
startstring, See DateYYYY-MM-DD, Date in which the period begins (inclusive).
endstring, See DateYYYY-MM-DD, Date in which the period ends (inclusive).

Dimension (index = “1”): Category

itemsarray, See Dimension (index = "1") itemsReturns an array of "Categories". Ordered as: Income and Expense. Also includes Gross Profit, Net Operating Profit and Net Profit as calculated values.

Dimension (index = “1”) items

valuestring"Income", "Expense", "Gross Profit", "Net Operating Profit", "Net Profit". These will always show for any response in this report. The dimension values are not dependent on the user's query parameters.

Dimension (index = “2”): Sub Type

displayNamestring"Sub Type"
itemsarray, See Dimension (index = "2") itemsReturns an array of "Sub Type" of unique values. For example, "Operating" and "Non Operating".

Dimension (index = “2”) items

valuestringReturns all sub types available for the company queried.

Dimension (index = “3”): Detail Type

displayNamestring"Detail Type"
itemsarray, See Dimension (index = "3") itemsReturns an array of "Detail Type" of unique values.

Dimension (index = “3”) items

valuestringReturns all category detail types available for the company queried. Does not return the category detail types where there is no existing account data.

Dimension (index = “4”): Accounts

itemsarray, See Dimension (index = "4") itemsReturns an array of "Accounts".

Dimension (index = “4”) items

idstringUnique record of the account.
displayNamestringName of the account.

If any account needs to be recategorized, use the API: Categorization of accounts endpoint.


Measures provide information about the measures contained in the report data.

The two measures for this report are as follows:

Index “0” - value

unitsstringCurrency of the P&L.

Index “1” - percentage change

displayNamestring"Percentage change vs. previous period"

Report data

The report data combines multiple reporting dimensions and outputs the value of each combination. Each dimension reference is specified.

Since the report data is reflective of 5 dimensions and their measures, the tables below represent each component grouping.

Each object is grouped by dimension (index=“0”) which is the number of periods specified by the user in the query parameters.

Each period will be broken down into Category, Sub Type, Detail Type and Accounts.

Components are nested within each other as below (grouped by dimension (index =“0”), i.e. Period). Both value and percent change measures are included for each level.

components - “Category”, e.g. Income

components - “Sub Type”, e.g. Operating

components - “Detail Type”, e.g. Other operating income

components - “Accounts”, e.g. Sales

Components structure

dimensionnumberIndex 1 to 4, see dimensions.
dimensionDisplayNamestringShows when includeDisplayNames is set to true.
itemDisplayNamestringShows when includeDisplayNames is set to true.
measuresSee Measures in components

All components have the structure described in the Measures in components data model below.

Measures in components

Index "0"


Index “1”

measureDisplayNamestring"Percentage change vs previous period". If the system can't calculate the percentage change, this object will not display.

Each component level contains the total level in the currency, and the percentage change.

"reportInfo": {
"name": "enhanced_profit_and_loss",
"displayName": "Enhanced Profit and Loss"
"dimensions": [
"index": 0,
"displayName": "Period",
"type": "datespan",
"items": [
"index": 0,
"displayName": "September 2021",
"start": "2021-09-01",
"end": "2021-09-30"
"index": 1,
"displayName": "October 2021",
"start": "2021-10-01",
"end": "2021-10-31"
"index": 1,
"displayName": "Category",
"type": "string",
"items": [
"index": 0,
"value": "Income"
"index": 1,
"value": "Expense"
"index": 2,
"value": "Gross Profit"
"index": 3,
"value": "Net Operating Profit"
"index": 4,
"value": "Net Profit"
"index": 2,
"displayName": "Sub Type",
"type": "string",
"items": [
"index": 0,
"value": "Cost of sales"
"index": 1,
"value": "Operating"
"index": 2,
"value": "Non-operating"
"index": 3,
"displayName": "Detail Type",
"type": "string",
"items": [
"index": 0,
"value": "Other cost of sales"
"index": 1,
"value": "Marketing"
"index": 2,
"value": "Depreciation and depletion"
"index": 3,
"value": "Entertainment"
"index": 4,
"value": "General and Administrative"
"index": 5,
"value": "Repairs and maintenance"
"index": 6,
"value": "Distribution"
"index": 7,
"value": "Buildings rent and lease"
"index": 8,
"value": "Subscription fees"
"index": 9,
"value": "Travel"
"index": 10,
"value": "Bank charges"
"index": 11,
"value": "Taxes"
"index": 12,
"value": "Labour"
"index": 13,
"value": "Materials"
"index": 14,
"value": "Amortization"
"index": 15,
"value": "Interest"
"index": 16,
"value": "Other operating income"
"index": 4,
"displayName": "Accounts",
"type": "recordRef",
"items": [
"index": 0,
"id": "13931cbf-ea06-4d6e-9538-a8457fa66011",
"displayName": "Purchases",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 1,
"id": "868591ad-f9c2-4956-a5ec-c32c1d48c6f3",
"displayName": "Advertising & Marketing",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 2,
"id": "940c8a59-3348-4a0b-a1b1-781d9f29cc8b",
"displayName": "Depreciation Expense",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 3,
"id": "e7ac3baa-cfbe-40c1-a172-83d22e84435b",
"displayName": "Entertainment-100% business",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 4,
"id": "b5e801e8-8dbc-4390-ac99-3b0fff54a89f",
"displayName": "General Expenses",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 5,
"id": "5360066d-1474-49f6-a7a5-c66d5f6032ba",
"displayName": "Light, Power, Heating",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 6,
"id": "138a8eb3-5c08-4e59-a3bc-892119694447",
"displayName": "Motor Vehicle Expenses",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 7,
"id": "1734ff00-2a17-45b4-8db6-2dc2e832c460",
"displayName": "Postage, Freight & Courier",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 8,
"id": "7aa7988a-ff61-4cb8-bef3-15395355d108",
"displayName": "Printing & Stationery",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 9,
"id": "9cbe5fe4-ca60-4792-8bf1-de01fb7010aa",
"displayName": "Rent",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 10,
"id": "04f7111b-55d4-4efc-b329-1bd5c791933a",
"displayName": "Repairs & Maintenance",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 11,
"id": "7d8d0322-f452-47de-a8e8-54b0130e6f38",
"displayName": "Subscriptions",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 12,
"id": "043b6bcb-dfe6-4c97-9b4c-f9b300fe3f03",
"displayName": "Telephone & Internet",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 13,
"id": "df62060b-41cc-4bf2-9de7-c7e537b5663a",
"displayName": "Travel - National",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 14,
"id": "eef78ed1-dfed-447c-bdba-3a49fb2c044b",
"displayName": "Audit & Accountancy fees",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 15,
"id": "f3aa84fe-5c31-4107-b207-7e0419f636d7",
"displayName": "Bank Fees",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 16,
"id": "c16f5c35-8283-47da-9d09-5fecb183b0cb",
"displayName": "Cleaning",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 17,
"id": "fb3210ef-edeb-48af-bb49-b85d40c1e6bb",
"displayName": "Corporation Tax",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 18,
"id": "7f6a0e92-65be-4333-9a0a-d981b03bedd1",
"displayName": "Wages",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 19,
"id": "7403e960-5b72-42ff-abf4-c870ad8910bd",
"displayName": "Purchases",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 20,
"id": "e8a0a24e-2dab-46b1-bfe1-6e92551c04e8",
"displayName": "Purchase Discounts",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 21,
"id": "4378ddba-36b4-4b35-9970-bd972b20d137",
"displayName": "Amortization",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 22,
"id": "78785fd7-f197-4c34-aa17-6e76b9255d34",
"displayName": "Interest Paid (operating)",
"dataType": "account"
"index": 23,
"id": "72df89d2-512b-4455-af51-a6b563733842",
"displayName": "Sales",
"dataType": "account"
"measures": [
"displayName": "Value",
"units": "GBP",
"index": 0,
"type": "currency"
"displayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"units": "%",
"index": 1,
"type": "percentage"
"reportData": [
"dimension": 0,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Period",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "September 2021",
"components": [
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Expense",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 8712.78
"components": [
"dimension": 2,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Sub Type",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "CostOfSales",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 6194.07
"components": [
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "OtherCostOfSales",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 1452.4
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "Purchases",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 1452.4
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 12,
"itemDisplayName": "Labour",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 4373.14
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 18,
"itemDisplayName": "Wages",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 4373.14
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 13,
"itemDisplayName": "Materials",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 368.53
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 19,
"itemDisplayName": "Purchases",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 266.05
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 20,
"itemDisplayName": "Purchase Discounts",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 102.48
"dimension": 2,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Sub Type",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Operating",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 2331.87
"components": [
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Marketing",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 275.82
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Advertising & Marketing",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 275.82
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 2,
"itemDisplayName": "DepreciationDepletion",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 130.71
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 2,
"itemDisplayName": "Depreciation Expense",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 130.71
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 3,
"itemDisplayName": "Entertainment",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 36.44
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 3,
"itemDisplayName": "Entertainment-100% business",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 36.44
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 4,
"itemDisplayName": "GeneralAdministrative",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 560.30
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 4,
"itemDisplayName": "General Expenses",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 175.47
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 5,
"itemDisplayName": "Light, Power, Heating",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 70.21
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 8,
"itemDisplayName": "Printing & Stationery",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 149.62
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 12,
"itemDisplayName": "Telephone & Internet",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 45.00
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 14,
"itemDisplayName": "Audit & Accountancy fees",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 0.0
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 16,
"itemDisplayName": "Cleaning",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 120.0
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 5,
"itemDisplayName": "RepairsMaintenance",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 439.86
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 6,
"itemDisplayName": "Motor Vehicle Expenses",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 394.18
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 10,
"itemDisplayName": "Repairs & Maintenance",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 45.68
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 6,
"itemDisplayName": "Distribution",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 67.42
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 7,
"itemDisplayName": "Postage, Freight & Courier",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 67.42
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 7,
"itemDisplayName": "BuildingRentLease",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 600.00
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 9,
"itemDisplayName": "Rent",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 600.00
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 8,
"itemDisplayName": "SubscriptionFees",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 45.86
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 11,
"itemDisplayName": "Subscriptions",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 45.86
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 9,
"itemDisplayName": "Travel",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 145.21
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 13,
"itemDisplayName": "Travel - National",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 145.21
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 10,
"itemDisplayName": "BankCharges",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 22.53
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 15,
"itemDisplayName": "Bank Fees",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 22.53
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 14,
"itemDisplayName": "Amortization",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 5.72
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 21,
"itemDisplayName": "Amortization",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 5.72
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 15,
"itemDisplayName": "Interest",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 2.0
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 22,
"itemDisplayName": "Interest Paid (operating)",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 2.0
"dimension": 2,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Sub Type",
"item": 2,
"itemDisplayName": "NonOperating",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 186.84
"components": [
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 11,
"itemDisplayName": "Taxes",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 186.84
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 17,
"itemDisplayName": "Corporation Tax",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 186.84
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "Income",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 7043.13
"components": [
"dimension": 2,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Sub Type",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Operating",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 7043.13
"components": [
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 16,
"itemDisplayName": "OtherOperatingIncome",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 7043.13
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 23,
"itemDisplayName": "Sales",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 7043.13
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 2,
"itemDisplayName": "Gross Profit",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 849.06
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 3,
"itemDisplayName": "Net Operating Profit",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": -1482.81
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 4,
"itemDisplayName": "Net Profit",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": -1669.65
"dimension": 0,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Period",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "October 2021",
"components": [
"dimension": 1,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Category",
"item": 1,
"itemDisplayName": "Expense",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 8923.73
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 2.42
"components": [
"dimension": 2,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Sub Type",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "CostOfSales",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 6319.15
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 2.02
"components": [
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "OtherCostOfSales",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 1570.82
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 8.15
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 0,
"itemDisplayName": "Purchases",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 1570.82
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 8.15
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 12,
"itemDisplayName": "Labour",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 4373.14
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 0.0
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 18,
"itemDisplayName": "Wages",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 4373.14
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 0.0
"dimension": 3,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Detail Type",
"item": 13,
"itemDisplayName": "Materials",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 375.19
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 1.81
"components": [
"dimension": 4,
"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
"item": 19,
"itemDisplayName": "Purchases",
"measures": [
"index": 0,
"measureDisplayName": "Value",
"value": 180.23
"index": 1,
"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": -32.26
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"dimensionDisplayName": "Accounts",
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"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
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"measures": [
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"value": 108.60
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"measures": [
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"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
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"measureDisplayName": "Percentage change vs previous period",
"value": 108.60
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"item": 2,
"itemDisplayName": "Gross Profit",
"measures": [
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"measureDisplayName": "Value",
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