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Data Integrity

Reference document for the data integrity endpoints

The Data Integrity API consists of the following endpoints:

  • Status endpoints: (one per datatype) exposes the information needed to usefully query results.
  • Summaries endpoints: (one per datatype) exposes summary results, queryable in a granular way.
  • Details endpoints: (one per datatype) exposes record by record information, queryable using the same parameters as the summary endpoint.

Matching process

Matching occurs each time a sync happens where data across all data types exist. There’s no mechanism to manually trigger a match because this is all done automatically.

Data sources and data types

Data Integrity requires Accounting and Banking data sources to be linked with the following data types enabled:

  • banking-accounts for the banking data source.
  • banking-transactions for the banking data source.
  • bankAccounts for the accounting data source.
  • accountTransactions for the accounting data source.
Deprecation notice

Matching also works with the bankAccounts (banking data source) and bankTransactions (banking data source). Note that these data types will be deprecated in the future.

It is recommended that you use banking-accounts and banking-transactions data types to get the most out of Data Integrity.


This endpoint exposes the status for the company’s match results between the data type provided in the URL and other data types with which Data Integrity supports matching. It will help you understand whether match data is available and, if so, how to usefully query it.

The response tells you whether match results are available, and, if they are:

  • When the results were generated, and their status.
  • The connection IDs, amounts and dates involved, to support useful querying.
Overlapping dates

In the UK, Open Banking allows you to pull a maximum of 24 months of data but could be less with just 18 or 12 months available.

This means that companies can have data for different date ranges from different sources, which could distort results. For example, if the accounting package has data synced from 2018 and the banking source only has data synced from 2019, the match percentage will be distorted by all the ‘unmatched’ transactions from 2018.

It is recommended that you use match results only for the date range when data from both sources overlap; this is provided for you in the Overlapping dates part of the status response.

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

GET /data/companies/{companyId}/lending/dataTypes/{dataType}/dataIntegrity/status


companyIdstringThe ID of the company you want match results for.
Submit as route parameter.
datatypestringThe data type you want match results for.
Accounting source: bankAccounts, accountTransactions.
Banking source: banking-accounts, banking-transactions.
Submit as route parameter.

Data model

typestringThe data type which the data type in the URL has been matched against. For example, if you've matched accountTransactions and banking-transactions, and you call this endpoint with accountTransactions in the URL, this property would be banking-transactions.
statusInfoSee Status info
connectionIdsSee Connection ID
amountsSee AmountsOnly returned for transactions. For accounts, there is nothing returned.
datesSee DatesOnly returned for transactions. For accounts, there is nothing returned.

Status info

lastMatchedstring, See DateThe date the matching algorithm last ran against the company’s bank transactions.
currentStatusstringOne of the following:
DoesNotExist - have never attempted a match run for this company as do not have datasets required,
Error - something went wrong upon matching,
statusMessagestringDetailed explanation supporting the status value.

Connection ID

sourcearrayAn array of strings. The connection IDs for the type specified in the url.
targetarrayAn array of strings. The connection IDs for the type specified in the url.


minnumberLowest value of transaction set.
maxnumberHighest value of transaction set.


minDatestring, See DateEarliest date of transaction set.
maxDatestring, See DateLatest date of transaction set.
minOverlappingDatestring, See DateEarliest date where transactions exist in both accounting and banking platforms.
maxOverlappingDatestring, See DateLatest date where transactions exist in both account and banking platforms.

Sample response

//call with dataType = 'accountTransactions'
"source": ["guid","guid","guid"],
"target": ["guid","guid","guid"]
//Overlapping dates are dates where both 'sides' of the match have data
//(identically-formatted output if you call with dataType = banking-transactions except
//it will be keyed on accountTransactions)

//call with dataType = 'banking-accounts'
"source" : ["guid","guid","guid"],
//Amount and date objects are null as not relevant to bank accounts
//(identically-formatted output if you call with dataType = bankAccounts except
//it will be keyed on banking-accounts)


This endpoint exposes a summary of match results for a given data type filtered by a query string in the Codat query language. Only the summary results are returned, no transactions.

So, for example, if you wanted to see summary match results only for transactions after 1 December 2020, you could send query=date>2020-12-01.

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

GET /data/companies/{companyId}/lending/dataTypes/{dataType}/dataIntegrity/summaries


companyIdstringThe ID of the company you want match results for. Submit as route parameter.Required
datatypestringThe data type you want match results for.Required
QuerystringYou can query any properties in the response, e.g. query=date>2020-12-01.
It can also be left blank. This follows the standard Codat query language.

Data model

For transactions, the response contains summary statistics (such as match percentage) by both amount and count. For accounts, statistics based on amount are not meaningful, therefore we return only statistics based on count.

typestringThe data type which the data type in the URL has been matched against. For example, if you've matched accountTransactions and banking-transactions, and you call this endpoint with accountTransactions in the URL, this property would be banking-transactions.
byAmountSee By amount
byCountSee By count

By amount

matchPercentagenumberThe percentage of the absolute value of transactions of the type specified in the route which have a match.
unmatched numberThe sum of the absolute value of transactions of the type specified in the route which don't have a match.
matchednumberThe sum of the absolute value of transactions of the type specified in the route which have a match.
totalnumberThe total of unmatched and matched.

By Count

matchPercentagenumberThe percentage of the absolute value of transactions of the type specified in the route which have a match.The percentage of records of the type specified in the route which have a match.
unmatched numberThe number of records of the type specified in the route which don't have a match.
matchednumberThe number of records of the type specified in the route which do have a match.
totalnumberThe total of unmatched and matched.

Sample Response

//Call with banking-transactions
"matchPercentage": 68.3,
"matched": 53587.5,
"matchPercentage": 79.3,
"matched": 970,
//(identically-formatted output if you call with dataType = accountTransactions except
//it will be keyed on banking-transactions)

//Call with banking-accounts
//amount-related properties will be null as not relevant to bank accounts
"matchPercentage": 71.4,
"matched": 5,
//(identically-formatted output if you call with dataType = bankAccounts except
//it will be keyed on banking-accounts)

Reproducing the overall match percentage from the Portal

The match percentage you get back from our Summaries endpoint is for the data type you have specified in the url.

Consider a simple example where you have just three transactions:

  • Transaction A - Accounting, £3, no matches
  • Transaction B - Accounting, £1, matches transaction C
  • Transaction C - Banking, £1, matches transaction B

If you call the Summaries endpoint with data type = accountTransactions, you will get a match percentage of 25%: match percentage = B/(A+B) = £1 / (£3 +£1)

If however you call the Summaries endpoint with data type = banking-transactions, you will get match percentage of 100%: match percentage = C/C = £1 / £1

By contrast, in the Data Integrity page on Portal, the match percentage displayed is match percentage by amount across accounting and banking transactions. In our example, the match percentage displayed on the Portal would be 40%: match percentage = (B+C)/(A+B+C) = (£1 + £1)/(£3 +£1 + £1)

You can reproduce this match percentage yourself by fetching the summaries for accountTransactions and banking-transactions in separate API calls, and combining the results client-side, e.g. by taking a weighted average of the match percentages.

Note that by default the percentage on the Portal is also restricted to the overlapping date range; you can reproduce this yourself by getting the min and max overlapping dates from the Status endpoint, and then restricting your calls to the Summaries endpoint to these dates using the query parameter.

E.g. if the Status response contains this:

} ",
"language": "text"

Then you would call each of the Summaries endpoints with (url-escaped) query=date>=2021-09-03T12:00:00.000Z&&date<=2021-09-17T23:59:59.999.


This endpoint exposes match results record by record for a given data type, filtered based on a query string in the same way as summary results. The results are paginated and support ordering, following the same conventions as our other data endpoints.

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

GET /data/companies/{companyId}/lending/dataTypes/{dataType}/dataIntegrity/details


companyIdstringThe ID of the company you want match results for.
Submit as route parameter.
dataTypestringThe data type you want match results for.
Accounting source:
Banking source:
Submit as route parameter.
QuerystringCan query any property in response. This follows the standard Codat query language.
pagenumberSubmit as query parameter. Defaults to 1.
pageSizenumberSubmit as query parameter. Defaults to 100.
orderBystringState the property name by which you would like to order the response by.
Submit as query parameter.

Data model

Response for transactions

Element TypeDescription
typestringThe data type of the record.
connectionIdstringID GUID representing the connection of the accounting or banking platform.
idstringID GUID of the transaction. This is unique to data integrity.
datedate, See DateThe date of the transaction.
descriptionstringThe transaction description.
amountnumberThe transaction value.
currencystringThe currency of the transaction.
matchesarray, See Transactions matches arrayRefer to the matches array table below.

Transactions matches

This outlines the transaction(s) in which the original transaction has matched with its corresponding transaction in the other platform.

Element TypeDescription
typestringThe data type which the data type in the URL has been matched against.
For example, if you've matched accountTransactions and banking-transactions, and you call this endpoint with accountTransactions in the URL, this property would be banking-transactions.
connectionIdstringID GUID representing the connection of the accounting or banking platform.
idstringID GUID of the transaction. This is unique to data integrity.
datedate, See DateThe date of the transaction.
descriptionstringThe transaction description.
amountnumberThe transaction value.
currencystringThe currency of the transaction.

Response for accounts

Element TypeDescription
typestringThe data type of the record.
connectionIdstringID GUID representing the connection of the accounting or banking platform.
id stringThe account’s id.
accountName stringThe name of the account.
institution stringThe name of the financial institution.
matchesarray, See Accounts matches arrayRefer to the matches array table below.

Accounts matches

Element TypeDescription
typestringThe data type which the data type in the URL has been matched against.
For example, if you've matched accountTransactions and banking-transactions, and you call this endpoint with accountTransactions in the URL, this property would be banking-transactions.
connectionIdstringID GUID representing the connection of the accounting or banking platform.
id stringThe account’s id.
accountName stringThe name of the account.
institution stringThe name of the financial institution.

Sample Response

//Call with datatype = accountTransactions
"results": [
"connectionId": "guid",
//Id field here and on matches will be accountId_transactionId.
//This is because we ideally would like a single consistent model for
//'transaction-related' datatypes, and e.g. invoices don't have an account ID.
//We will make this clear in documentation.
"id": "string",
"date": "2021-09-15T09:00:10.898Z",
"description": "Buying toast",
"amount": 236.94,
"connectionId": "guid",
"id": "string",
"date": "2021-09-15T09:00:10.898Z",
"description": "Purchasing toast",
"amount": 236.94,
"connectionId": "guid",
"id": "string",
"date": "2021-09-15T09:00:10.898Z",
"description": "Investing in grilled bread",
"amount": 288.81,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 50,
"totalResults": 237
//(Calling with datatype = banking-transactions will produce results in an identical format,
//except that the list of matches will all have a 'type' field of accountTransaction)

//Call with datatype = bankAccounts
"results": [
"type": "bankAccounts",
"connectionId": "guid",
"id": "string",
"accountName": "string",
"institution": "string",
"matches": [
"type": "banking-accounts",
"connectionId": "guid",
"id": "string",
"accountName": "string",
"institution": "string"
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalResults": 23
//(Calling with datatype = banking-accounts will produce results in an identical format,
//except that the list of matches will all have a 'type' field of bankAccounts)```

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